4 reasons why you struggle to work "on the business"
Written by
Mike McKenzie

4 reasons why you struggle to work "on the business"

Now, more than ever, leadership teams must come together to work "on the business", not "in the business". But if only it were that easy! Leadership habits, like all habits, are difficult to change.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to not only manage the day-to-day operations of your business, but also to strategically plan for its long-term success. This involves stepping back from the daily grind and working on the bigger picture, also known as working "on the business."

But this can't just be a one-off exercise, nor is it something that a business owner should undertake on their own. If the rest of the leadership team isn’t fully engaged in this activity, then you are setting yourself up to fail: No-one else will be tuned in to your way of thinking. No-one else will be committed to the new mission. No-one else will be primed to sense the changes in the market and help you ‘course correct’ as you continue your journey.

Many business owners and their leadership teams will say that they are too busy and struggle to find the time but often there are more subtle things happening.

Common sense - but it rarely happens.

If this sounds familiar, rest assured that you are not alone.

But in my experience this is an excuse that eiteh rconsciously or subconsciously is used to prolong something more subtle is happening. to , finding the time to build in this routine is a constant struggle.

In this article, I describe the four most common challenges that I see leadership teams face when it comes to working "on the business". I also explore how neurobiology and ‘Habit Theory’ can help you overcome these challenges and build better leadership habits for you and your team.

The Four Barriers to working on the business together

There are four barriers that must be overcome before any leadership team can truly collaborate and work effectively ‘on the business'.

1. Information Overload

Information Overload_One of four Barriers to working on the business

I’ve previously described how you, as the leader of your business, are swamped with ‘content’. But it’s not just you!

It’s the same for every member of your senior team. They, like you, have their own informal business network and a steady stream of emails, social media and blogs, all promising new ways to win at business. (None of us can resist the search for that magic solution!)

In a sense, everyone is ‘panning for gold’. But the problem is, it’s rarely done as a team. Each person consumes their own ‘content’ on a daily or weekly basis; if they find something that looks shiny and bright, they’ll shout ‘gold’ and bring it to everyone’s attention.

On its own, this can be disruptive and energy-sapping. But this often leads to the second problem.

2. Not Invented Here

Not Invented Here_One of four Barriers to working on the business

There is a tendency to judge other people’s potential treasure trove with suspicion. It seems like we’re programmed to challenge its authenticity and effectiveness rather than embrace it.

This gets even more extreme when the promised ‘gold’ involves the use of external advisers. It might be a new business growth programme offered by your accountancy firm or a growth expert who someone heard speak at a conference. It could be that a new member of the executive team has suggested bringing in the consultant who worked wonders at their last organisation.

Either way, it typically results in what I often picture as a medieval joust. Each person sends in their consultant or programme to do battle armed with competing ideas and approaches. The result is often a stalemate, or if there is a clear victor, then this comes at the cost of alienating one or more senior team members. There are rarely any real winners in this scenario.

3. Pursuit of Functional Excellence

Pursuit of Functional Excellence_One of four Barriers to working on the business.jpg

As the business leader, we aim to surround ourselves with experts across all functions. They are rewarded handsomely for making sure their department performs its role in the business.

This is all well and good. In fact, it’s essential for the business to be able to operate day to day. However, for many departmental heads, this can easily develop into an obsession with their own function that undermines the effectiveness of the senior team.

With their blinkers on, they tune out of discussions that don’t call for their functional expertise and only tune back in to perform their functional role or defend their department. They’re unable to take the broader, nonpartisan view that is needed for any senior team to work ‘on the business.’

Patrick Lencioni stresses the dangers of this situation in his book, 'The Advantage'1,

“When members of a leadership team feel a stronger sense of commitment and loyalty to the team they lead than the one they’re a member of, then the team they’re a member of becomes like the U.S. Congress or the United Nations: it’s just a place where people come together to lobby for their constituents.

Teams that lead healthy organizations reject this model and come to terms with the difficult but critical requirement that executives must put the needs of the higher team ahead of the needs of their departments. That is the only way that good decisions can be made about how best to serve the entire organization and maximize its performance.”

4. Initiative Fatigue

Initiative Fatigue_One of Four Barriers to working on the Business

We all understand and readily accept this principle when it comes to the wider business, but it also applies to your senior team.

I’ve often seen business leaders coming back from a course or raving about a book on leadership, innovation or culture change. Whatever the trigger, their step back from the business had left them focused and fired up to work ‘on the business’ and make the changes needed to accelerate growth. More often than not, the rest of the senior team have seen it all before. They roll their eyes and wait for it to pass!

Almost without fail, three months later, the day-to-day challenges still dominate. The urgent has overtaken the important, the blinkers are back on and that fleeting moment of clarity and objectivity has been lost.

Whether it’s new consultants, new methodologies, the latest business bestseller that’s distributed to the board of directors: every new attempt to work ‘on the business’ is viewed with increasing cynicism and risks further sapping energy and confidence.

A more subtle approach is needed.

Given these four barriers, it should be no surprise that overloading your senior team with another time-consuming, ‘not invented here’ initiative that drags them away from their departments is almost certainly doomed to failure!

Instead, overcoming these barriers requires a level of subtlety and patience.  This is where neurobiology and ‘Habit Theory’ can play its part in senior team development.

The following eleven principles neatly summarise what established experts tell us about forming new habits and changing bad ones.

The Eleven Principles of Habit Theory

1.  Small improvements make a big difference.

Success comes from a series of small actions rather than a massive, once in a lifetime, intervention.

2.  Developing good habits improves performance.

They appear to make little difference on any given day, but their impact over time can be huge.

3.  Breaking bad habits really helps too.

Success is as much about recognising and changing bad habits than it is about forming new ones.

4.  All habits are not created equal.

Keystone habits have an amazing ripple effect that produces many more positive outcomes. (and ‘working on the business’ is a Keystone Habit for any leadership team.)

5.  Knowing how habits work helps you change them.

We're all slaves to neuroscience. So, understanding our 'Habit Loops' is half the battle!

6.  Adopting better habits demands a system.

It's no good just striving for goals, we need a system that creates better routines.

7.  Keep it simple.

You'll seriously harm your chances of forming a new habit if you make it too complex or demanding.

8.  It's important to make a plan for when and where you will perform a new habit.

Research consistently shows that desire or motivation just isn't enough.

9.  Outcomes are not immediate.

That’s why many business leaders fall back into those bad ‘in the business’ habits that provide instant rewards.

10. Reward the new routine.

As business leaders, we must create measures that provide a sense of achievement when we work on the business.

11. It's easier with a group. Don't do it alone.

Bring your senior team with you and work together to develop new habits.

Quarterli Helps Create Better Leadership Habits

The Quarterli® Habit

Quarterli® applies these eleven principles to help business leaders establish a new Keystone Leadership Habit for themselves and their senior team. It does so gently, over time, without the need for expensive, and potentially divisive, external support.

This new, quarterly routine is described briefly below:

1. Personal Introspection

The new routine starts with you. "Introspection" means 'looking inward: an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings'. So, as CEO, Managing Director or Managing Partner, you reflect on your organisation’s likelihood of success. A simple online survey helps you assess how your organisation measures up against 13 Growth Probability Indicators (GPIs); each critical to achieving profitable and sustainable growth.

This introspection helps you establish where you believe the business sits on the Growth Probability Matrix.  But Quarterli® is more than just a business health check.

2. Senior Team Survey

You then choose whose opinions you want to canvas and invite them to undertake the same introspection, anonymously. This is typically the Board or the senior leadership team, but you might also include trusted external advisors or an up and coming member of the management team - it's your choice!

It’s not just their ratings that are important, it’s the comments they add to help explain their ratings that provide rich, actionable insights.

A new routine. A leadership habit for long-term business success

3. Improve Leadership Team Alignment

The Matrix introduces a simple framework and a common language that helps you gently surface different opinions and assumptions without the need for external consultancy. Once the results are in, you’ll be able to see how well aligned you are:

  • Do you and your senior team agree on where your organisation sits on the Matrix?
  • Which GPIs show the widest range of ratings?
  • Which comments conflict with one other?

Your first priority is typically to improve alignment on one or two GPIs. This might require some analysis or simply setting aside some time to promote a healthy discussion. Whatever it is, set a handful of initial Growth Objectives to make sure these activities take place and you’re up and running.

4. Establish Shared Priorities

Building consensus on where you are now should allow everyone to work together to address any areas of relative weakness. The team can agree which GPIs need improving most urgently and commit to taking meaningful action. Growth Objectives are set using the best practices described here. These are embedded in the Quarterli® system.

Be careful, you can’t do everything at once, so don’t set the bar too high at this early stage! Remember, your goal here is to establish a new, quarterly habit for you and the whole senior team; it’s not a one-off intervention.

5. Improve and Validate Ratings

Every successfully completed Growth Objective helps you maintain alignment and increases your chances of success. You’ll gradually climb towards the top, right-hand corner of the Matrix. Periodically, you should seek external input to validate one or two GPI ratings.

This helps ensure that the senior team isn't just deluding itself!

This simple quarterly cycle allows you to make, measure and celebrate progress before recalibrating, reprioritising and repeating. This improves team cohesion and leads to more effective execution.

In Conclusion

Quarterli helps you build new leadership habits

If you're a CEO, Managing Director and/or Business Owner then it’s critical to work 'on the business' with your senior team. This involves building a shared view of where your business stands today and what you need to do differently to fulfil your growth potential.

This is not a one-off activity, it can no longer wait for the annual planning cycle. It should be a regular, structured dialogue that aligns the senior team behind a clear mission and promotes 'healthy conflict' in order to identify, prioritise and close the gaps that need to be addressed.

Engaging the leadership team is crucial but complex. An understanding of the four barriers reinforces why this is something that you should own and initiate rather than outsource to an external consultant or adviser. Yes, they can provide expert insight and help with specific interventions but it’s your job to engage and lead the senior team in this activity.

If you recognise the need for better 'on the business' habits, then it's important to understand that when it comes to developing better habits, motivation alone, isn't enough.

How Quarterli® can help

New Leadership Habits 2

Quarterli® is not a magic remedy that will cure all ills in these uncertain times, but it is an approach that supports leadership team development and will increase clarity and team alignment on critical issues.

It produces more effective board meetings where, together, you learn how to sense and then respond quickly to changes in your environment. That critical capability will strengthen over time and will ultimately provide you with a competitive edge that will help you scale your business..

Like all new habits, it might take some practice before it becomes second nature, but over time it will change the way you and your team think, speak and act and dramatically improve your chances of business success.

Find out more about this unique leadership alignment tool and then take a look at the free demo.


1. The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business; Patrick Lencioni; John Wiley & Sons; 2012

2. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones; James Clear; Random House; 2018

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Download the free book to find out more about The Quarterli habit™ and a new routine for long-term business success.
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Reviews & Testimonials
"I think it's a great tool, the USP is the assessment of Senior Team Alignment. I have not come accross anything else that does that."
Manchester Met University
"A very insightful and useful tool. I"d say that the results are pretty accurate! I particulary like the very simple Matrix and report produced."
Zoe a
"A great tool to measure your organisation’s chances of long-term success."
Ian S
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I've never heard of the Growth Probability Matrix. What is it?
I've never heard of the Growth Probability Matrix. What is it?
The Growth Probability Matrix™ cuts through the often-overwhelming amount of business advice out there and proposes just two fundamental levers that can be used to improve your chances of success. The Matrix draws a crucial distinction between the Growth Potential of your business and the ability of the senior team to unlock this potential through Effective Execution. Both are key to shareholder value, but one is often (subconsciously) prioritised over the other. Download The Growth Probability Matrix eBook to find out more.
Who else can see the results of each survey and our Leadership Alignment results?
Who else can see the results of my personal introspections and my senior team survey results?
No-one. The scores and comments are for your eyes only, unless you choose to share them. Quarterli® generates all results automatically without any human intervention.

The system also automatically generates the live Matrix from the aggregated result of all surveys done worldwide. It updates every night and is designed to give some comfort to business leaders that their peers do not always rate their business as "Full Steam Ahead". I.e. many are in the same boat and are committed to improving the way they and their senior teams work 'on the business'.
How will using Quarterli® help us as a leadership team.
How will using Quarterli® help us as a leadership team.
The simplicity of the Matrix helps bring clarity to your thinking, even when embroiled in the day to day. This means you make better decisions. Once adopted by the whole senior team, it brings a common language and establishes a shared view of where the business stands today and what needs to change. It encourages a quarterly rhythm that changes the way senior teams think, speak and act, and dramatically improves your chances of success. Download The Quarterli® Habit eBook to find out more.

Quarterli® is designed to put you in control of your growth journey. Business leaders worldwide can access it at a fraction of the cost of hiring a Management Consultant.
Does Quarterli® remove the need for consultancy?
Does Quarterli® remove the need for consultancy?
No. Quarterli® is not designed to replace good consultancy, but it is there to help business leaders take back control and use consultancy in a more efficient and effective manner: Too many CEOs, Managing Directors and Business Owners effectively outsource their growth strategy and/or their 'on the business' activity. Consultancies are only too pleased to feast on this over weeks, months and years but it rarely delivers full value for the business leader and can hamper the development of the senior team.

Highly skilled consultants can add huge value to your business and Quarterli® introduces a structured approach that can help you become a better buyer of these specialists. You might actually end up using more consultancy but in shorter, sharper doses designed to deliver well-defined outcomes that Quarterli® will help you describe and measure.
Does that mean you are going to use this to sell me consultancy?
Does that mean you are going to use this to sell me consultancy?
No. We do not have team of consultants or growth coaches.

If you are introduced to Quarterli® by a local consultancy or business support organisation, then that is because they want to help you work ‘on the business’. If you subscribe using their unique URL then you’ll see their logo under the Quarterli® logo when using the system.

We don’t pay them, they don’t pay us, ever. If you end up using them for specialist support in the future, then that’s your decision. We’re not party to any arrangement, won’t know anything about it and certainly won’t be taking a cut of any fee that you pay to them.